Artius IT DevOps on AWS

Artius IT DevOps on AWS

Speed and flexibility are important superpowers to have in today’s information technology world. Think about it from a traditional “brick-and-mortar” business scenario. When you produce a widget, you want to get it from the stages of imagination to production in the fastest and most sensible manner. Having a streamlined method of getting business ideas from conception to production is “make it or break it”. Two companies offering the same type of service to the same pool of customers will need the added benefit of testing their product to see how good the customer reception is. What processes are in place at your company to service your clients with products in the most efficient manner? DevOps has been a buzzword in the software and IT community for a while. What are the operations your company uses to develop software in a swift, flexible, and maintainable manner, so that you can competitively reach clients? Barney Style Solutions wants to give you our “Barney Style” Breakdown on AWS (Amazon Web Services) DevOps culture, principles, and practices. For more information on AWS DevOps click the link. This article briefly discusses the services and key features of AWS DevOps.

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